I’m a huge fan of visualizations. I think they’re magical and amazing … and every time I pour my heart and soul into a detailed visualization for the future, the results astound me. Let me go all the way back to the first time I realized a visualization I wrote came true. Here’s a blog entry from March 4, 2011:
What’s Important to You Today?
I came across this question last night in reflection, and it reminded me to get back to the simple things that matter most. When I opened my journal, I landed on a page I wrote exactly two years ago with a visualization for success. As I was feeling particularly overrun by life last night, it was perfect timing!
I’m on the verge of another big change–as I was two years ago. At the time [2009], we were about to move from Brussels, Belgium to Culpeper, Virginia and I wrote the visualization for six months into the future. It started with my relationships, covering how my husband, children, and even our old dog handled the transition and what they would come to find and love living back home in the United States. Then, it covered me: what I would accomplish, explore, and discover.
When we were overseas, my husband and I became convinced that we would have to move our family of 6 into a cramped townhouse in Northern Virginia because the cost of living here is so expensive. However, in my visualization, I covered housing next, stating that we were living in a spacious, single family home that had at least four bedrooms. The visualization covered our finances, and made clear that money was always available and never a concern. Finally, I covered extended family and friends, naming how they would receive us and visit often.
In all scenarios, that visualization, or something better, has manifested in my life. I never even realized it had all come into fruition until last night!
I was sold.
I don’t go on too much about it, but I know you see a glimpse of it every now and then: I’m what some people have dubbed “woo woo.” I believe in energy, the law of attraction, universal source, God, guides, and all things spiritual and loving. I treasure my oracle cards and honor my chakras. I’m open and receptive to all good (and that happens to be one of my favorite positive affirmations … which I recite daily).
So while that is me, I also operate with a healthy level of discernment. I’ve thoroughly questioned all of these things I’ve mentioned before I threw my faith into them. Doing my first visualization was no different. I thought,
I’m writing a picture of myself in six months that’s supposed to come true? Sure! I’m lying in the sun on a 40 foot yacht. LOL. The butler took the family and I out on the water for the day after I instructed the gardener to mulch the front lawn with hundred dollar bills. ROTF.
But then again, what could it hurt? I have always loved my life, but I wasn’t necessarily happy when I wrote out my first visualization. In fact, I felt stuck and scared and uncertain. I wanted to feel better, and if imagining myself in a feel-better place might help, then I was willing to give it a try.
It worked.
And so I kept doing it! About a year ago, I found myself in that unhappy place again: scared, uncertain, and stuck. I was in New Zealand at the time and another *huge* move was on the horizon. It seemed like all we did was move, and I wasn’t the only one in my family who was sick and tired of being uprooted. We all were.
My husband, children and I desperately craved roots and a deep sense of belonging. We were starved for familiarity. But again, we were being pointed back to Northern Virginia where it costs a mega-fortune to live. I mean, can anybody out there relate? Who are the freaking millionaires that can afford to buy a decent-sized house around here?! I’m from Small Town, Pennsylvania where gorgeous, “rich people” homes cost you $300,000. Here in Virginia a similar-sized plot costs more like $3,000,000.
Anyway … we started to look for a perfect house in Northern Virginia, and my husband and I began to FREAK out. It always felt like we were a million dollars short, and things looked bleak. Uncertainty reared its ugly head.
I remember having a call with my personal coach at the time I was going through all of this. She asked me, “What are you learning about yourself through this experience?” I thought about it for a moment, and I decided I didn’t like the question. I thought it was distasteful of her to ask such a thing while I was still having such a dark time with it all.
I said to her, “I don’t know. I feel like you want to hear me say something nice about myself, like ‘I’m stronger than this,’ but I don’t want to say that. I’ll say this: There’s only so much uncertainty I can handle in my life at any given time. And this situation is exceeding my limits.”
And then I thought how genius she was to ask such a thing while I was still having such a dark time with it all. 😀
December 27, 2012
The last week of December is always a time of great reflection and review in my life. I simply adore it. I got a brand new journal for Christmas, and on December 27, 2012, I made the first entry. I’m going to share it in part with you here.
Before I do, I need to tell you two things: (1.) I’ve had a great internal debate about sharing this, as my spirituality is such a personal and private part of my life. However, I think the results are so impressive that if it inspires at least one person to try it and make positive changes in their life, it will have been worth it. And (2.) As much as I tried to convince myself with positive affirmations and an optimistic mindset, I did not believe any of the following visualization points would be (a.) in Virginia, (b.) in my price range, or (c.) at all possible.
Here it is:
I’m heading into 2013 with these top priorities [partial].
- Provide comfort, care, and plenty of cush for the children, my husband and me. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed New Zealand and our time exploring the South Pacific. However, it’s been a pretty cramped living situation and a long stretch from home. I’m ready to celebrate comfortable spaciousness in all aspects of our Life.
- Love my neighborhood. It’s really important that I feel safe and comfortable with where my children grow up. I’d also love for my husband and I to meet some great people and enjoy the community as well.
- Own land. I can’t add it to the house later.
- Live in our dream house. It has 5+ bedrooms, at least 3 bathrooms, and a home office with french doors. It has a kitchen I can’t take my eyes off of (in a good way) and 1-2 fireplaces (preferably wood-burning). It has a finished basement that my husband adores, a gorgeous flat lawn for the children to play in, and an in-ground swimming pool with a deep-end that we all love. It’s filled with light and character, good wine and laughter. We six are head-over-heels in LOVE with the place. It’s ours.
Life got busy after that. In its entirety, that journal entry was four pages long and the only one in the book. When we moved, it got packed with my other belongings, and I didn’t open it again until July 23, 2013.
This is what happened a few months later:
In March of 2013, we closed on a house (in our price range!) that sits on a flat, gorgeous lawn (+1 acre of land). It has 5 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, a home office with a french door, a fireplace, an amazing kitchen and … (drumroll please) …
An in-ground swimming pool with a deep-end. I’ve become the social chairwoman for our board – my husband and I have met tons of great people throughout the community. My children can safely ride their bikes and explore the creeks and trails inside this gorgeous, safe neighborhood where we live. In all scenarios that visualization, or something better, has manifested in my Life. Again. And to that, all I can do is look skyward and say, “Thank You. I promise to keep an awareness and appreciation of all the blessings that surround us. I am eternally grateful!”
If you’re feeling stressed, uncertain, overwhelmed, or in a rut, answer the following questions to create a visualization of your own:
In six months,
1. My relationships are … Here you want to describe how your primary relationships are doing. What are the people you care about most experiencing and achieving? Imagine them fulfilling their passions and discovering their best life.
2. I am … what are you doing, learning, reading, enjoying? Describe all of that here. Are you living up to your potential? Are you fit and active? Do you feel excited about your life?
3. My home is … redecorated, remodeled, moved to another, more fitting location. If something’s not working in your environment, you imagine it better here.
4. My finances … Reach for abundance. Debt is paid down, financial freedom is on the horizon, and out of the blue, you realized another source of income you earn while doing something you love! Get creative here, and imagine yourself prospering at every turn.
5. Your extended family and friends … How do they receive you when they see you? How do you get along with your co-workers? How has your difficult family member become a little easier to get along with? Imagine all the people who make you feel really good and record how more experiences like that will be coming.
Wishing you all the best in love and life ♥

Thank you for the very inspiring message. It completely explains how to clarify what you want for a successful visualization. I will definitely follow your advice for my glorious 2014.
Thanks, Keiko! Wishing you a glorious New Year 🙂
I love your story! I’m a big believer in manifesting what you want in life! I recently discovered a list my husband and I made when we were looking for property and a new house when we moved to AZ. I was blown away when I read the list again (because I had put it away and then forgotten about it). Almost everything on it was what we were looking for too and if it wasn’t on the list then we had added or fixed our house so it had it! You’ve inspired me to write a list for what I want to create in 2014! Thanks for the list of great questions to help us on our journey. All the best to you!
Thanks for adding, Lindy! That’s absolutely amazing.
Hello Lisa,
I was searching for a book on amazon about planning the future year and stumbled upon yours. In the comments of the book, someone recommended checking out your blog. This is the first post I’m reading and already, I feel like you’ve enlightened my sometimes too dark mind. Boy oh boy, Lisa. Wow!
You are an incredibly awesome human being. Thank you so much for sharing your spiritual thoughts, I feel like they’ve helped me a lot.
Continue on this fabulous path that is yours; you freaking rock, dude!
Thank you for visiting, Amelie! I appreciate your kind words 🙂
Lisa girl that house is gorgeous and it’s everything that you visualized and asked for. This could not have come to me at a better time than now. I need to be reminded of how powerful and how important it is to visualize the things that we want in our lives I’m going to get a new journal start visualizing and start writing. I’ve done it in the past and it worked and it’s time for me to do it again. Thank you
Thank you, Debra 🙂 Wishing you a fab New Year!
Hi Lisa,
Thank you so much for sharing this. It is just the inspiration I need right now. My husband and I are on the edge of major life changes with him changing jobs after 30 years. A Visualization, I think will be empowering. What a wonderful way to start the New Year!
Many Blessings to you and your Beautiful family!
Thank you Lisa for sharing your thoughts. I agree with you that sometimes it is nerve wrecking to share our intimate spiritual experience with others. I do understand this very well; but certainly, it does help others. I too do write before new years to create a better understanding of my goals the following year. However, I hadn’t used visualization to accomplish them. Thank you, I will do so from now on.