Welcome back to day 6 of this 7-day series of New Year review, reflection and resolution. If you’re just joining me, go at your own pace through days …
Working off yesterday’s exercise, I’ve created a “this year I will” list, and it’s followed by our last exercise together for the series! Let’s finish up with a bang.
This Year I Will . . .
:: Physical – Trim the fat and never rest on my laurels. I’m starting off the New Year trying to find a routine to my exercise workouts (I’m using Xbox Fitness on the Xbox One – which I highly recommend), doing a 7-day saltwater flush (cleanses the colon by matching the body’s saliency and pushing everything through), and following up with a 3-day master cleanse. I’ve been wanting to try a master cleanse for two years, and I can hardly wait to get started on it.
I’m also eliminating alcohol, junk-food, channel-surfing, over-spending … basically overindulgence of any sort this month. As I said yesterday, I’m going to write down when I’m craving any of these activities and ask myself “why?” My ultimate goal for this exercise is to eliminate both gluttony and deprivation.
:: Mental – I’m learning a new skill to take my business to the next level. I’ll be launching a new line at the Energy Shop very soon. It’s pushing my comfort zone; I can tell you that. I’m also reading for pleasure again, which is surprisingly delightful! It’s a very clean entertainment, and I’m excited to continue.
Oh, please share your favorite fiction read with me – in the comments, on Facebook or Twitter! Or share a board of your favorite fiction reads if you collect them on Pinterest! I need a lot of recommendations. I finished Doctor Sleep yesterday.
:: Relational – I vow to have a better relationship with myself and honor self-care practices. Left to my own devices, I take everything too seriously. I need to lighten up and find more ways to play. I’m going to enjoy date days with my husband and a special day with each child (everyone in my family plays hooky with me at least once a year). I am going to unplug and getaway for at least two overnight trips with my family.
:: Spiritual – I visited my journal maybe three times last year, in part because I lost it while I was preparing my article on visualizations. That’s no excuse! I haven’t taken enough time to self-reflect, but I think my new practice of 4-hour workdays (see day 4 to learn more – reducing work hours is my new favorite topic) will help with that.
I would like to add in more meditation and yoga, but I’ll hold off for now. My current focus is the January cleanse.
:: Financial – I’m ready to turn a financial corner once and for all. In the last decade, we’ve seen glimpses of financial freedom. Those moments were glorious!!! I want that all day, every day. My goals for the year are to pay off the consumer debt I accumulated during my move in 2013 and start padding my accounts.
The Grand Finale
Call the next exercise what you will: resolutions, goals, intentions or a destination. I don’t care what you call it, just please do it. You wouldn’t build your dream house without blueprints, and the same holds true for your best year yet: you need a plan of action to make your dreams come true!
Alice: Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?
Cat: That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.
Alice: I don’t much care where.
Cat: Then it doesn’t matter which way you go.
From Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Build a “This Year I Want to …” list, honoring all five pillars of a healthy, loving life. Here’s a template (with examples) to use:
This Year I Want to …
:: Finish – that thing that nags at you when you think of “unfinished business”
:: Add – helpful people, mentors, positive friends, time off, more luxury
:: Learn – a new business skill, a new marketing strategy, a new technique for my craft
:: Improve – my health, my wealth, my relationships with the people I care most about
:: Enhance – those things that worked last year, my savings account, my personal wellbeing
Ready for the grand finale? Here’s day 7

Lisa, I like how you break down your goals/changes in different categories. I’m a big journal-er; I hope you find it helpful for expanding your creative ideas and problem solving. Looking forward to the new things you release this year on the blog. Happy 2014!
Thanks, Melissa! xoxo
I am reading Doctor Sleep right now. My husband bought it for me for Xmas. It is a goal of mine to start a sleep time routine that is nourishing and is something I look forward to. I think this will benefit other areas of my life. I spent the weekend working on our bedroom to start creating a space that I want to go to at the end of my day. Thanks for all of your encouragement and positivity! XO!
Kerry, My husband bought my copy for me for Christmas too! I love Stephen King, but I didn’t realize I was reading a sequel to the Shining! It was pretty cool. What did you think?