It’s the February earnings report! As you know, it’s full-disclosure 2014 for me. If you’re just joining me, click here to see how much I made in January and why I started sharing.
In 2010, my biggest goal was to be a work-at-home Mom. I’ve achieved it, and I want to be completely transparent about the details. I’m going to share with you exactly how much I make and list the ways in which I make it. Here goes!
In February 2014, I earned a net income of: $2,212.49
I start almost every discussion on money or building a rewarding creative business with full disclosure that I believe a multi-faceted business is a must. Therefore, in each monthly report, I’m going to list the source of my income from highest- to lowest-paying for that period. February’s sources of income were:
- Marketing Creativity’s Etsy shop, books and programs. I launched Advertising and Exposure this month.
- Energy Shop Jewelry (screen-clipping above)
- My part-time work as Create Hype’s editor
- Affiliate commission
A few notes: Marketing Creativity (+ The Build a Better Business Course, which I’ll discuss in a minute) took up a lot of creative energy this month. I was in production-mode for all of February, and my Energy Shop (Etsy) income dipped because of it. Though I love my multi-faceted business, this month confirmed suspicions I’ve had in the past (before progress logs): The highest income always results from that which has gotten the most attention.
I don’t affiliate with others often, maybe once or twice or year. But when I do, I really love the product.
Creative Business vs. Traditional Workplace
I made this comparison in the first month’s report, and because I love breaking down the numbers (and proudly showing them to my husband 😉 ), I’m going to continue. By end year, I’ll be able to average out an official hourly wage for myself.
After I carefully calculated my working hours this month, I did some math. First off, minimum wage in my state is $7.25 per hour. Let’s say I went out looking and landed a really good job, doubling minimum wage at $14.50 per hour. Let’s even say that this job offered me flexible hours so that I was only ever working while my children were in school (35 hours per week).
Here’s what I make now …
$2212.49 (February earnings after expenses and taxes) / 72 hours = $30.72 per hour
That’s roughly $553.12 per 20-hour, work-at-home week (after taxes)
Vs. what I might make in the traditional workplace …
$14.50 x 35 hours = $507.50 per 35-hour week at a traditional job (before taxes)
For an estimated total of $1872 per month, $468 per week (after taxes)
Thanks to the Energy Shop and Marketing Creativity (and to you for sharing these endeavors with me!), I’ve been a work-at-home Mom for nearly four years. Until next time and all the best~

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