Happy Sunday, everyone! I hope this message finds you enjoying a beautiful morning with the people you love most in life.
[Tweet “”Creativity is contagious. Pass it on.” – Albert Einstein”]If you’re feeling called to do so, please come join the conversation inside the The Luminaries Club forum!
Coming Up This Week on Marketing Creativity:
I’m pretty stoked about the line-up this week, and I’m working on something AMAZING behind-the-scenes. I find myself jumping out of bed at 4:30 AM because I’m so excited about all of the ideas in front of me + the work ahead! I’ll be sharing more details with you very soon.
Tomorrow I’ll be publishing an article I’ve been working on for ages: The Shocking Truth about Copycats. I know that it’s such a heated topic; I wanted to drain some of the emotion and fear from it and open a discussion. I really enjoyed reading another’s thoughts on the matter in a recent article titled, I’ve “Copied.” And I Bet You Have Too. I look forward to hearing what you think about it all!
This week, I’m hosting the FINAL Create Happy Hour! Join me live on Friday, January 30 at 1PM Eastern – it’s not sad! You’ll hear why Create Happy Hours are ending and what exciting new project is taking their place. (I’ll try not to get up at 4:30 AM that day!)
Finally, I’m starting a new monthly review. I’m going to share why it’s an important exercise for your business, how to do your own and what you can expect from mine.
What a creative week ahead! Be sure to pass it on,