I hope you’re stealing a quick peek at this before you go and enjoy a beautiful holiday celebration with your family and dearest friends. I’d like to take a moment before the sacred week between Christmas and New Year’s begins to prepare you for your end-year review.
I love this season; I enjoy the peaceful reflection and all of the unspoken love and gratitude that is stirring in and between the festivities. I hope you’re experiencing much of the same.
Tuesday, December 27 – Monday, January 2
The upcoming annual review and reflection is my best series on this blog, and there’s no better week to conduct it than the downtime between end-year holidays. I can hardly wait to reflect on a glorious 2016 and plan for a brilliant 12 months to come with you!
Here are some tips to help you prepare …
What You’ll Need
Starting on Tuesday, December 27, I’m going to offer you seven days of prompts to help you reflect and review the year. If you’ve never done self-reflection exercises like this before, you’ll probably be surprised at how intense it can get; thoughts and feelings about the year are just waiting to spill out of you. Here are a few things you’ll need …
#1 Your Best Year 2017
Your Best Year 2017: Productivity Workbook and Online Business Planner offers reflective prompts, a revolutionary goal-setting system, and thorough progress-tracking and review. There’s simply no substitute for it; you need this resource if you’re looking to have a banner year. You can download and print off a digital version immediately, order a paperback version, or grab a bundle of both. Visit the Marketing Creativity Etsy shop to see every option.
#2 At Least One Day Planner
I work out of one day planner now, but for years I ran a multi-faceted creative business and used two day planners help me separate the plans and goals I created. If you have a finished planner (from 2016) or keep a journal, have it at the ready; it’s so helpful to have records and memories to flip through as you reflect on your year.
#3 A Giant Drawing Pad
I also suggest you pick up a children’s giant drawing pad. They’re typically 16×22″, cost about $5, and you can find them on the bottom shelf of the Crayola aisle at any chain store. These large papers are excellent for sketching out big ideas.
#4 Alone Time
I choose to do my annual review and resolution-setting when I can find some solitude, over a period of about four days. I typically spend one to two hours in reflection, and I set the mood so that it is gentle, calm and sober. If that’s not possible for you, carve out a block of quiet time in one day (give yourself at least three hours).
I’ll take no excuses here: make this alone time happen. I’m a married mother of four, and I’m determined to honor this sacred practice. I’ll go to my bedroom and send the “do not disturb” message before I begin. Self-reflection is critical to your wellbeing. Once you start a session, you are not to be interrupted.
#5 Comfort Items
Be sure to have ready a delicious ice water and/or hot drink, favorite pens, and any additional resources you plan on using. If possible, turn off electronic distractions.
For best results, I recommend using a fresh journal or notebook to collect your thoughts and feelings during our review and resolution-setting. When you follow the ruminations of the mind without pen and paper, you chase thoughts that are too scattered to truly connect.
With a notepad, your thoughts escape to the page where they can be reworked and shaped into successful ideas. After a few minutes of writing, a sense of clarity will begin to fall from pen to paper. Many-a-journal session has left me with new solutions, insight and understanding. I always walk away with a more peaceful perspective and a refreshed sense of self. If you’re already using a journal, I’m sure you would agree!
The 7-day Series Begins Tuesday, December 27!
Because 2017 is going to be off-the-charts phenomenal. In this annual series, we’ll cover prompts + review questions that will help you evaluate what has been working (and what hasn’t) in both your life and business. It’s time to turn your dreams into reality.
Here’s to your best year yet xx

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