I know many of you are trying to decide if The Luminaries Club is right for you. I asked club member, Aiste Kesminaite (pronounced ice-T) of WoolenClogs to share her thoughts, and you’ll find her story and review below.
During my 10-year career, I’ve personally built and succeeded at two different types of businesses. I refer to both of these in examples throughout my private training programs. The first was a product-based online store, The Energy Shop. I marketed that shop to sold-out success, and during its run, it was in the top 2% of highest earning storefronts on Etsy.
The second is my service-based business and blog, Marketing Creativity (you are here). I offer marketing strategy in the form of books, online courses, and private consultations. My revenue exceeds a quarter of a million dollars annually, putting me in the top 8% of highest earning websites on the internet. Bottom line …
I know how to make businesses make money.
I can teach you how to get better results too.
Member Review
Over the next few weeks, I’ll be spotlighting members of the club and sharing their reviews publicly. I have no words to express how proud I am of this group and their ongoing commitment to their individual callings. The Luminaries take the knowledge and strategies they learn inside the club, customize it to fit their businesses, and work hard to create better results every day. If you’re bringing the same dedication and persistence to your career, I can help you channel your efforts into extraordinary results.
Aiste took a leap of faith and left her IT project management role to pursue her own business with her husband after working for other businesses for 15 years. During the transition, she hit the entrepreneurial muddy stages that are familiar to so many of us. Thankfully, Aiste found a group of like-minded entrepreneurs in The Luminaries Club along with motivation and techniques to press on through the mud to completion. Because of her persistence, Woolenclogs is thriving!
Aiste on The Luminaries Club
What’s something we should know about your journey thus far?
I was an IT project manager and CEO for 15 years. I was always busy running and giving my all to other people’s business when I realized that I need to slow down and embrace my own life.
In 2014, I took a leap of faith with my husband and together we started working for ourselves full time. Two years later, I discovered Lisa and have remained a very happy Luminaries Club member. She inspired me to think bigger and grow our business successfully.
Why did you hire Lisa to help?
I decided to enroll in the Luminaries club because I was down and upset that our business had plateaued. I needed inspiration and advice, and Lisa’s training hit that spot on.
What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced in business?
We have a seasonal dip in the summer months and it was making me extremely anxious not being able to generate sales during it. I needed help on making my sales events work. Since I’ve started applying Lisa’s advice my sales are now generating over 1000 euros in 3 days. This August beat last year by 56% and September is looking to be on the same track!
What have been your most helpful takeaways from the Luminaries Club?
Lisa has taught me to stay positive and active during my worst periods. Don’t do just for the sake of doing—always have a goal and a plan to reach it!
Why are you excited to welcome more entrepreneurs to our club?
The Luminaries Club motivates and helps your business grow. It’s a fountain of knowledge and a very positive space to share your achievements. You can also ask your business related questions.
Thank you Aiste, you’re an inspiration!
You Like Growth and Expansion?
We all talk a big game when it comes to our goals. We dream of becoming recognized and respected, relying on our income, and hiring help someday. In order to achieve that, you must create a better system and employ better strategies! You need a trusted advisor, one who has the experience and skills that will take you to the next level.
I’m officially applying for the job!
Join The Luminaries Club now, and get yourself situated. Come meet the amazing group of like-minded creatives already gathered among us. Take a workshop, start a course, or download from the e-library of information.
I’ve taken countless businesses from a state of uncertainty to top-selling industry leaders. Through my club, you’ll learn how to thrive and endure in online business. There’s an unlimited amount of commercial space available to you, I intend to help you conquer every square inch of it.