I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to make it happen already. It’s time to break free of the startup cocoon and claim ownership of a thriving creative business as a successful entrepreneur. If you’re with me, let’s set the stage for your best year yet.
This is the first (and most powerful) exercise from my book, Your Best Year 2015: Productivity Workbook and Creative Business Planner.
If I Knew I Could Not Fail
Earlier this year, I published a blog post, “If I Knew I Could Not Fail, I Would … “ in which I listed all the things I would do right now if I knew I could not fail. I forced myself to dream big and think a little outside the box. I wrote down everything I could think of, but I could only think of four items:
- Focus all of my efforts on group coaching
- Lead live, in-person workshops for groups of 100+
- Host a women’s retreat for 20 creatives
- Start a podcast (this has evolved into monthly Create Happy Hours)
To be honest with you, I was just releasing that list for the sake of putting it out there; I wanted to demonstrate how fun the blog topic was. But in response to the article, one of my previous clients said:
“You should do all those things on your list even if you might fail at one or two.”
And she was right. Of course she was right! Not only do I coach next-level business, my own business was built on my passion for growth and expansion. I constantly envision ways to improve and upgrade my day; it’s my nature. So why hadn’t I gone for these big dreams?
I guess I was just … scared? Waiting for permission? Hoping to be recognized? Looking for a big break? And those things are exactly what I coach my clients not to do. I certainly could not leave my career wish list hanging. It was time for a dose of my own medicine.
Do you know what I did next?
I went for the one I wanted the most. I began planning a creative’s retreat alongside an amazing line-up of industry leaders.
I can now proudly present: The Movers and Makers Summit!
More importantly, I realized that the retreat answered a deeper craving – something I’d like to discuss with you in more detail in my next post (Sunday). One thing I know for sure: to make it happen already, you have to go after the dreams that scare you.
So tell me, dear creative, what would you go for in 2015 if you knew you could not fail?
If you’re ready to make it happen already in 2015, join me in review and reflection by working through Your Best Year 2015: Productivity Workbook and Creative Business Planner. Share your review with me on social media using #YBY2015. Until next time and all the best, Lisa Jacobs

Hi Lisa, Love your concept and offering! I believe we women should develop more sisterhood and help one another to create a change in how we influence and lead in the world. This is what my blog and mission is about. I will follow up, and invite you to take a look at my blog and learn more about my goals for 2015. Revi