Some people get tired of all the new year “hype” in relation to goal-setting and making the most of the months ahead. I get tired of hearing those people bash resolutions because I think January is the perfect time to review your progress and reevaluate your intentions.
[Tweet “”There is no passion to be found playing small …” – Nelson Mandela”]If you’re feeling called to do so, please come join the conversation inside the The Luminaries Club forum!
Coming Up This Week on Marketing Creativity:
I’m sharing how much I made in December (my last income report from 2014). I’m changing those monthly posts up a bit, and I’ll show you what’s different on Tuesday.
Last year I wrote a blog post title, How to Launch Anything and Make it Rain. This week, I’m going to write a part two of that article based on what I’ve learned since. Stay tuned for that on Thursday.
Finally, it’s been awhile since I covered one of the 27 Blog Topics You Can’t Wait to Write About (& Your Readers Can’t Wait to Read). On Sunday, I’m going to share how I come up with new blog post ideas.
It’s going to be a fun week! Here’s to setting big goals,