I’m excited to introduce the 30-90 Rule of Business because a slow sales period is never about what you did yesterday. It is about understanding the peaks and crests of your business so that you can plan and persist accordingly.
Any time you find yourself experiencing an unusually high or low sales period, apply the 30-90 Rule to find the cause.

Years ago, I taught the 7-Touch Rule to marketing in which you can expect to present an offer to a warm contact at least 7 times before they’d buy. Additionally, I referenced the 20-Step Guide to Advertising in which you have to advertise to a cold contact up to 20 times before they’re interested. A warm contact is someone who knows and trusts you already, and a cold contact is someone who’s just finding you for the first time—no trust established.
Those rules have radically changed in only a short period of time. With social media, you’re bombarded with sales messages in a most personal way and at every turn. Therefore, it typically takes as many as 20 touches before a warm contact buys, and as many as 50 (!) introductions before a cold contact takes interest.
And that is why what you were doing 90 days ago effects the 30 days you are experiencing now.

The 30-90 Rule in Action
One June, I enjoyed a phenomenal period of new sales and sign-ups, which is random and unusual for summer. Looking back 90 days, it all made sense. I ran an experiment three months before: I amped up my output (marketing 5x my normal shares on social). I was everywhere all the time, and because of that, people who found me then were buying from me 90 days later.
Likewise, I experienced an incredible sales slump on an annual edition of Your Best Year. It sold less than its predecessor which made absolutely no sense because it was better and already had an enormous fan base. For months, I struggled to make sense of it … until I considered the 30-90 Rule.
Every year for the launch of Your Best Year, I blog about it for months starting in October. Only, that year I didn’t. Instead, I moved houses and took much-needed time off to help my family readjust and recover from the transition.
When I was experiencing slow sales in January, it wasn’t because of what I was doing in January. The book’s popularity suffered because of what I’d failed to do in October.
It is so important to keep your goals front and center, work ahead toward the big picture, and never let a slump slow you down. Otherwise, its effect will hit you twice—now and again in 90 days!

When you look at your annual strategy (click here to build one), and apply the 30-90 Rule to your promotions. How can you amp up your output 90 days before big promotions to ensure buyers will be all the more engaged when you launch your moneymakers? Add that in!
Your Best Year is coming!
My friends, there’s never been a book about online business like this before. Your Best Year is the only workbook on the market that encourages a fluid long-term plan designed specifically for online entrepreneurs. I did four specific things to exceed my own wildest dreams last year. I made …
- My goals resolute,
- My strategies specific,
- My system efficient, and
- My action plan productive
You’ll get a refresher on the fundamentals: you’ll review what’s not working, identify what needs to change, challenge your limitations, and figure out what to focus on. You’re going to ask the question that shaped this book: how much better can it get? From there, I took my six-figure earning, online business strategies and packaged them into a revolutionary planning system anybody can use.
The official release date is October 25, but be on my list to get exclusive savings and pre-order discounts. Here’s to Your Best Year yet!