A few weeks ago, I shared with you my 12 Big Things of 2022, and I spoke a little bit about how they came to be. This simple practice is a beautiful thing for your planning because it’s light and easy and low-pressure.
I left the 12th big thing a mystery because I hadn’t brought it to fruition yet.
I didn’t need any of these comfort-busting things to pay off, I went for them in the spirit of: it’d just be so wild if they did happen! Believe it or not, I think that attitude is the very thing that’s made some of my biggest dreams come true in 2022.
This year …
- I redesigned my business approach to truly complement my life
- I rocked a Karaoke stage
- My husband and I asked for help and sought advice to make one of our biggest dreams come true (see #11)
- I learned how to play basketball
- I built and sold a new offer, The Fast Track Toolkit
- I successfully grew outdoor window boxes and planters for the first time
- I took my family to their first concert
- I resolved a tax lien against my property I wasn’t even aware of!
- I lost weight I thought I wasn’t capable of losing (15 pounds)—and not in a crazy way, but through consistent and habitual practice (weight-training and the Noom app)
- We purchased our first AirBnb property in my beloved hometown (!)
A New Year for a New You — All New Skillshare Class!
Join me on Skillshare (free trials are available to new students) to enjoy this exercise of review and reflection. We will break annual planning down into four areas of focus: appreciate, review, intentions, and dreamy goals for the coming twelve months.
Full of prompts and reflective questions, you’ll want to have a few items on hand to begin:
- Your day planner, calendar, and/or journal (whatever you keep throughout the year)
- A quiet space and some alone time
- Your favorite pens and drink of choice!
Get ready for prompts + review questions that will help you evaluate what has been working (and what hasn’t) in both your life and business. It’s time to turn your dreams into reality!
I appreciate you for doing this big year with me. Your connection, attention, and support mean the world to me.
Thank you for being a friend.